Abbildung intAct Bike-Power GEL HVT-HD
Symbol: Eignung für motorcycles
Symbol: Eignung für Quad, ATV
Symbol: Eignung für Scooter
Symbol: Eignung für sitting lawn mowers
Symbol: Eignung für Snowmobile
Symbol: Eignung für Jetski
Symbol: Eignung für UTV
Symbol: Eignung für racing
Symbol Recycling efficiency 95 %
Symbol OEM quality
Symbol mounting angle 90º
Sealed maintenance-free GEL with extra compressed plate packs | electrolyte thickened into a gel-like mass

intAct Bike-Power GEL HVT-HDExtremely vibration-resistant power package

Low self-discharge and particularly high currents make this battery the perfect choice for Harleys and other high-capacity bikes with lots of extra equipment.

Our recommendation for motorcycles with a lot of consuming equipment and powerful engines.


  • Extremely vibration-resistant design

    With plate packs compressed and precisely fitted into the battery housing and the gel-like thickend electrolyte, the grids of the battery are extremely well protected against mechanical damage, for example by the vibrations of large capacity machines.

    Your advantage: The performance remains almost constantly high over the service life.

  • Highest cold start currents

    Motorcycles with many additional consumers, e.g. with seat and grip heating or connected navigation system, require significantly more current. GEL batteries withstand this cycling, i.e. a consuming load, if necessary with recharging with a charger, well. Our intAct Bike-Power GEL HVT-HD brings a high reaction density due to the tightly packed plate packs and thus an untypically high starting power for GEL batteries.

    Your advantage: Even if your bike needs a lot of starting power, you don't have to constantly recharge this battery.

  • Low self-discharge

    The gel-like thickened electrolyte ensures a lower self-discharge than with flooded or AGM batteries. Great for vehicales in occasional or seasonal use.

    Your advantage: You can leave your bike standing longer without having to charge in between than with an AGM or flooded battery.


  • Perfect for Harleys and other bikes with high-capacity 2-cylinder engines.
  • Highest cold cranking aper: For two-wheelers with high energy requirements, e.g. due to ABS safety technology.
  • Extremely vibration-resistant. Plate packs compressed and precisely fitted into the battery box.
  • Robust housing made of impact-resistant plastic. For heavy mechanical stress.
  • Leak-proof. Can be installed at an angle because the electrolyte is thickened into a gel-like mass.
  • Sealed maintenance-free.
  • Wet charged.
  • Withstands the most severe shocks.
  • Grids safely kept thanks to gel-like Thickend electrolyte.
Recycling efficiency 95 %
Shake proof
OEM quality
mounting angle 90º

All types

Battery Japan-Code Volt Capacity CCA Length mm Width mm Height mm Pos. of terminal Terminal
GEL-HVT-01iGYZ20L, GYZ20HL1220 AH (c20)350 A (EN)175871550screw terminalmore
product image Motorcycle Battery intAct Bike-Power GEL HVT-HD GEL-HVT-01


Japan-Code:GYZ20L, GYZ20HL


Position of Terminal:0
Schema Schaltung 0
Terminal:screw terminal
Schema Endpol Schraubanschluss
Capacity:20 AH (c20)
Base plate:none
Cold Cranking Ampere:350 A (EN)
Size:175 x 87 x 155 mm
Schema Batteriekasten M53

Kasten: M53
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GEL-HVT-02iGYZ32HL, YB30L-B1232 AH (c20)445 A (EN)1691311740screw terminalmore
product image Motorcycle Battery intAct Bike-Power GEL HVT-HD GEL-HVT-02


Japan-Code:GYZ32HL, YB30L-B


Position of Terminal:0
Schema Schaltung 0
Terminal:screw terminal
Schema Endpol Schraubanschluss
Capacity:32 AH (c20)
Base plate:none
Cold Cranking Ampere:445 A (EN)
Size:169 x 131 x 174 mm
Schema Batteriekasten M55

Kasten: M55
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GEL-HVT-03iYTX14L-BS1214 AH (c20)255 A (EN)150871450screw terminalmore
product image Motorcycle Battery intAct Bike-Power GEL HVT-HD GEL-HVT-03




Position of Terminal:0
Schema Schaltung 0
Terminal:screw terminal
Schema Endpol Schraubanschluss
Capacity:14 AH (c20)
Base plate:none
Cold Cranking Ampere:255 A (EN)
Size:150 x 87 x 145 mm
Schema Batteriekasten M49

Kasten: M49
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GEL-HVT-06iGYZ16H, Y50-N18L-A31224 AH (c20)410 A (EN)205871620screw terminalmore
product image Motorcycle Battery intAct Bike-Power GEL HVT-HD GEL-HVT-06


Japan-Code:GYZ16H, Y50-N18L-A3


Position of Terminal:0
Schema Schaltung 0
Terminal:screw terminal
Schema Endpol Schraubanschluss
Capacity:24 AH (c20)
Base plate:none
Cold Cranking Ampere:410 A (EN)
Size:205 x 87 x 162 mm
Schema Batteriekasten M54

Kasten: M54
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GEL-HVT-08iYTX14H-BS, YTX14-BS1214 AH (c20)255 A (EN)150871451screw terminalmore
product image Motorcycle Battery intAct Bike-Power GEL HVT-HD GEL-HVT-08


Japan-Code:YTX14H-BS, YTX14-BS


Position of Terminal:1
Schema Schaltung 1
Terminal:screw terminal
Schema Endpol Schraubanschluss
Capacity:14 AH (c20)
Base plate:none
Cold Cranking Ampere:255 A (EN)
Size:150 x 87 x 145 mm
Schema Batteriekasten M49

Kasten: M49
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Battery knowledge

What is a motorcycle battery?
A battery that primarily starts the motorcycle. For this, the starter motor needs a lot of power for a short time. Important for this is the cold start power (CCA) that the battery provides, but also the characteristics. A battery with a high current …
What types of motorcycle batteries are there?
For motorcycles and four-wheeled small vehicles, there are classic flooded batteries in low-maintenance design (intAct Bike-Power Classic and Exide Bike Conventional) or maintenance-free (intAct Garden-Power), AGM batteries (intAct Bike-Power AGM, intAct …
What are motorcycle batteries suitable for?
Motorcycle batteries are not only used for motorized two-wheelers from classic cars to racing bikes, for scooters, light motorcycles, and mopeds from 50 cc, but also for four-wheeled sports and recreational vehicles and work vehicles with handlebars for …
Our absolutely maintenance-free motorcycle batteries
intAct Bike-Power AGM, intAct Bike-Power SLA, intAct Bike-Power GEL, intAct Bike-Power HVT and intAct Bike-Power GEL HVT-HD are valve regulated lead-acid batteries or VRLA batteries (VRLA=Valve Regulated Lead-Acid). VRLA batteries produce much less gas …
What does absolutely maintenance-free mean?
Absolutely maintenance-free batteries are valve-regulated lead-acid batteries or VRLA batteries (VRLA = Valve Regulated Lead-Acid) that are sealed at the factory. Here, significantly less gas is produced than in wet batteries. The gas produced remains …
What does pole growth on the battery mean?
Whitish-grey deposits on the poles, so-called "pole growth", is caused by strong sulphation on the plates. Tip: Always ensure a good state of charge.
Charging during long idle periods
If the vehicle is stationary for long periods and you make a lot of short journeys, it is advisable to charge the battery regularly with a charger, even if the battery has a low self-discharge rate or high cold-start performance. The exact intervals depend …
Checking the liquid level against sulphation
In a battery or accumulator, the chemical reaction between the active material of the grids and the acid generates current (electrons emitted) to supply the loads or stores current (electrons) provided by the charger or alternator. If the acid only partially …
Why do we recommend charging the intAct Bike-Power AGM regularly with a charger despite the high cold start performance and good current reserve?
With many short journeys or long standstill times, the charge level continues to build up. This means that the battery receives less energy from the alternator than it needs for starting. Its charge level gradually drops. Once a battery is discharged …
Identifying and filling the liquid level
Markings on the outside of the white or transparent housing of a wet battery indicate the minimum (MIN) and maximum (MAX) fill levels. During commissioning or initial filling, the battery must be filled with battery acid up to the upper mark (MAX). During …
Gel motorcycle batteries
Especially for modern motorcycles with many electrical consumers and ABS, the gel batteries are intended (the acid is specified here as gel). They bring 30% more starting power than conventional batteries of the same box size with very low self-discharge, …
What waterproof brings
Ideally, batteries should be kept dry. Even slight moisture can promote leakage currents. If you've noticed condensation on your battery frequently in the past, such as with temperature fluctuations, or water can get to your battery, it's worth considering …
Every battery ages
With each charge/discharge process (cycle), active material is inevitably lost and the battery's performance declines. Once it has fallen to the point where it can no longer fulfil its purpose - e.g. start the vehicle, supply the consumers or drive the …
What does maintenance-free mean?
In maintenance-free batteries, the electrolyte is in liquid form. They are usually closed at the factory, often with a double or labyrinth lid in which any gases produced condense and remain in the battery. In normal operation, maintenance-free ones do …
HVT motorcycle batteries
The lead-acid battery with fixed electrolyte for all those whose motorcycle is subjected to particular stress due to shocks or vibrations. Designed to meet the demands of Harley-Davidson motorcycles with large displacement 2-cylinder V-engines, HVT batteries …

What is a motorcycle battery?

A battery that primarily starts the motorcycle. For this, the starter motor needs a lot of power for a short time. Important for this is the cold start power (CCA) that the battery provides, but also the characteristics. A battery with a high current reserve will start the motorcycle even partially charged, for example.
In addition, the motorcycle battery supplies the electrical consumers, since it is the only battery in the motorcycle. The more consumers are installed, especially retrofitted safety or entertainment features, the more capacity is needed so that the consumers are also supplied at idle or when the engine is off or the machine still starts after the consumers have been used.



A battery that is not fully charged when installed will not reach its full capacity in the future and will have a significantly shortened service life.

Even factory-filled and charged batteries can lose charge during storage. We recommend that you also fully charge them before installation.

You can find out how to do this in our step-by-step guide to charging your battery.

Maintenance and Care

Absolutely maintenance-free batteries are valve-regulated lead-acid batteries or VRLA batteries (VRLA = Valve Regulated Lead-Acid) that are sealed at the factory. Here, significantly less gas is produced than in wet batteries. The gas produced remains in the circuit of the battery due to gas recombination. As a result, these batteries lose significantly less liquid. They do not need to be topped up, and it is not even possible to do so, as they cannot be opened again without damage.

For which application is the intAct Bike-Power GEL HVT-HD suitable?

Symbol motorcyclesmotorcycles
motorcycle, motorcycles, light motorcycle, light motorcycles, Mokick,
Symbol Quad, ATVQuad, ATV
Sports and leisure vehicles and work vehicles for off-road use (ATV = All Terrain Vehicles) with motorcycle seat, handlebars and four wheels, also four-wheel drive.
Symbol ScooterScooter
Motor-Scooter, Motor-Roller, Roller
Symbol sitting lawn mowerssitting lawn mowers
sitting lawn mowers, lawn tractors
Symbol SnowmobileSnowmobile
Snowmobile, snow motorcycle
Symbol JetskiJetski
Jetski, also PWC (Personel watercraft) or Sea-Doo
UTV (Utility Vehicle), also known as buggy or side-by-side, are commercial vehicles and leisure vehicles with seats arranged side by side and a steering wheel.
Symbol racingracing
weight and space saving for racing cars and racing motorcycles.